IPAD is governed by a Board of Directors (BoD). The Board works independently to make policies and govern the Organization. It formulates and approves policies and organizational systems and evaluates the overall performance of IPAD on a periodic basis.
The BoD consists of five members (both male and female) and is headed by a Chairperson. The Organization’s Board of Directors comprises of development professionals, intellectuals, academicians, activists and media persons.
IPAD is led by an Executive Director, who is the formal head of the organization. The Executive Director sits on the board as the secretary and ex-officio member. He/She reports to the Chairperson of the Board of Directors (BoD) and is responsible for the overall management of the organization.
The Executive Director is supported by a team of managers and program coordinators. By working together, they jointly form a management structure for the organization.
Organization’s Internal Procedures
IPAD is run by the following key personnel:
- A Board of Management (BOM) that provides an oversight role in the organization.
- A Senior Management Team (SMT) headed by the Executive Director, The Program Manager, Human Resources Manager, Logistics Manager, Finance & Administration Manager.
- Project Managers/Coordinators who make decisions on the day-to-day running of the organization.
At the beginning of every year, the Board of Directors holds a policy and strategy meeting to lay down the organization’s annual plan, agenda, and annual budget approval. This is then shared with operational staff by the Executive Director and Programs Coordinator.
The organization also has an open feedback mechanism from staff, program beneficiaries, and donors- to ensure accountability and transparency. The Board of Directors meets at least twice a year (once mid-year) to review progress and recommend adjustments where necessary. The Board may also seat on special occasions, at the request of the Executive Director.
Program Implementation And Procurement Processes
When planning for a new or on-going project, regular program-based meetings are held so as to ensure that project teams develop synergies necessary for effective implementation.
IPAD conducts procurement through open tendering for all purchases above 250 USD. The tendering process and eventual procurement are led by the Finance Manager (in collaboration with a tender committee of three persons). Sealed bids are invited and opened and the lowest quote is invited to tender.
The organization also has a list of pre-qualified vendors who understand IPAD’s quality requirements and are invited to bid from time to time. In rare cases, the organization does direct selection of suppliers where there is time limitation or there is only one supplier for the item being purchased.
Direct selection must, however, be justified in writing by the procurement officer and approved by the executive director (or his designee) in case he is absent.